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Health and Safety

The Epic website has a health resources page available for parents to access on a variety of health subjects including but not limited to: screenings, disease, prevention, and preparedness. Also included on the website is the Oklahoma State Department of Health’s listing of health departments across the state.

Medical Emergency Response Plan

First Aid, Emergency Treatment, and Administration of Medication for Students


To establish procedures for the administration of emergency first aid services at Epic, including first aid, emergency treatment, and administration of emergency medication for students.

Procedures established in this policy shall be followed during the school day, at Epic-sponsored activities, and other Epic property.


  1. The provisions of this policy are intended to meet student health needs during minor and major injuries or medical emergencies.

  2. To ensure student safety, Epic has adopted the position that parents and guardians shall administer medications at home whenever possible.

  3. The Epic recognizes that accidents and medical emergencies can and do happen; therefore, Epic has adopted guidelines to prepare staff members to provide first aid and emergency care during these unexpected events.

  4. It is the express policy of Epic to call 911 or other appropriate emergency medical services in any situation in which there is a possibility that a serious medical condition exists. In any situation in which there is a possibility that a serious medical condition exists staff members will administer emergency procedures as stated below until Emergency Medical Services arrive on scene and take over care or until a student's parent/guardian arrives and instructs Staff to cease emergency procedures. Staff members will administer emergency procedures until Emergency Medical Services arrive on scene and take over care or until a student's parent/guardian arrives and instructs staff to cease emergency procedures.


  1. First aid shall be provided to students, Epic staff, and campus visitors for minor situations.

    • Any Epic staff member that provides CPR will complete training in CPR provided by the American Heart Association or another nationally recognized training organization.

    • First aid supplies shall be kept in central locations, where they will remain clean, dry, and available to all personnel.

  2. Since students may have epileptic seizures and/or asthma attacks or other health conditions at Epic, teachers shall be made aware of appropriate procedures for handling these conditions and for calling 911, Emergency Medical Services (EMS). When an emergency exists, Epic staff members will implement appropriate emergency procedures,

    • Any staff member can contact 911, EMS and is encouraged to do so.

    • Staff members at Epic shall administer emergency procedures needed in life-threatening situations. In general, those trained shall be staff members most likely to be in immediate proximity to the student, staff person, or visitor in the event of an emergency.

  3. At least two employees shall have current certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid or shall have received training, within the last two years, in emergency first aid and CPR through the American Heart Association or another nationally recognized training organization.

  4. The School will comply with Oklahoma Education Code Section 20 regarding the administration of medicine to students, including medical marijuana. Emergency Injections: epinephrine auto-injectors prescribed for students with identified allergies:

    • When a licensed medical professional believes that epinephrine to treat an allergic reaction is necessary during Epic hours, it will be administered in Epic by staff. Auto-injectors will be supplied by students.

    • Only pre measured doses of epinephrine (Epi-Pen or Epi-Pen Jr.) may be given. The injection will be given immediately after report of exposure to the allergen or at the prescribed student’s request due to onset of allergic reaction. Type of exposure (e.g., ingestion, skin contact, inhaled) as well as specific allergen must be indicated on the licensed medical professional’s order.

    • The Epic shall contact EMS IMMEDIATELY (if available, send another staff

    • person to dial 911) and the parent or guardian when a student has been given epinephrine.

    • Inhalers:

      • With a diagnosis of asthma, and orders from a licensed medical professional, a student may be permitted to carry and use an inhaler for asthmatic conditions.

      • A second inhaler, to be used as a back-up, may be kept in an Epic-approved location accessible by the student with appropriate staff supervision as required.

CPR Training

At least two faculty and/or staff members are qualified in CPR after taking and passing the CPR requirements of the Red Cross. Training will be conducted annually.

Non-Discrimination Statement

Epic Charter Schools prohibits discrimination in the educational activities and programs, admission of students and the selection and/or employment on the basis of race, religion, gender, age, national origin, veteran status or disability. Epic Charter Schools complies with the federal and state regulations for implementing Title IX of the Educational Amendment of 1972, Title VI, Section 504, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.

Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect

Any Epic teacher, counselor, nurse, or administrator having reasonable cause to suspect that a child seen in the course of professional duties has been abused or neglected shall immediately contact the county child welfare unit of the Department of Human Services (405-521-3646) and inform the agency of the facts and circumstances which led to the filing of the report. It is not the responsibility of the school personnel to prove that the child has been abused or neglected, nor to determine whether the child is in need of protection. School personnel shall not contact the child’s family or any other person to determine the cause of any suspected abuse or neglect. No Epic Charter Schools employee shall be discharged from employment for making a report of child abuse or neglect. Further, state law provides immunity from any civil or criminal liability arising from making such a report, if the report is made in good faith. Finally, state law also provides protection of the identity of any individual who makes such a report.

Open Records Act

Epic Charter Schools complies with the Oklahoma Open Records Act (51 Q.S. § 24A.1 et seq.). Epic Charter Schools records are available for public inspection and copying, except for records which are confidential under state or federal law.

A public body may charge a fee only for recovery of the reasonable, direct costs of record copying or mechanical reproduction.

Fee Schedule for Costs of Reproduction

  • $0.25 per page for photocopies of records up to 8 14” x 14” or smaller

  • $ 1.00 per page for certified copies

  • Copies of other media (e.g. CD-ROM, flash drive, etc.) shall be actual cost of reproduction, including labor

However, if the request is solely for a commercial purpose or would clearly cause disruption of the essential functions of the public body, then a reasonable fee may be charged to recover the direct cost of record, search and copying.

Fee Schedule for Requests Subject to Additional Recovery Costs:

Epic reserves the right to recover the actual cost of record search and copying, including labor, if the information requested is not readily available or requires an extended amount of time to retrieve. If you submit a request that is subject to additional recovery costs, you will be provided with an estimate before work begins,

  • $25 per hour fee for commercial requests or those that cause excessive disruption of office functions (Epic defines an "excessive disruption" request as one that, requires more than eight [8] hours of actual employee work time to compile)

  • $80 per hour fee when computer programming is required on a customized request.

  • $85 per hour fee when additional legal support is required.

All fees for copies, including delivery fees, must be paid by check or money order, payable to Epic Charter Schools, before the documents are provided

Copy and Search Fees

The School Leader shall charge a fee to recover the reasonable direct costs of copying district records. The School Leader shall also charge a fee for the direct costs of searching for School records sought for commercial purposes or for searches that cause excessive disruption to the School’s essential functions. In no case shall a search fee be charged for records sought in the public interest including, but not limited to, releases to the news media, scholars, authors, and taxpayers seeking to determine whether officials of the School are honestly, faithfully, and competently performing their duties as public servants. The School has established the following fees for document copying of records and/or document search:

  • 8.5 x 11 or 8.5 x 14 25¢ per page

  • Research and Compilation $15.00 per hour

Those making requests will be required to make payment for the records and copying and/or search fee in advance of receiving the records.

Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) Notice

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. They are:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s educational records within 45 days of the day the School receives a request for access. Parents or eligible students should submit to the School a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The School Leader will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.

  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate or misleading. Parents or eligible students may ask the School to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the school principal, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the School decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the School will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.

  3. The right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s educational records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to School officials with legitimate educational interests. A School official is a person employed by the School as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health of medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a person or company with whom the School has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performance of their tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill their professional responsibility. Upon request, the School discloses educational records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. (Note: FERPA requires the School to make a reasonable attempt to notify the student of records request unless it states in its annual notification that it intends to forward records on request.)

  4. “School officials” are School employees with general or specific responsibility for promoting the educational objectives of the School or third parties under contract with the School to provide professional, business and similar administrative services related to the School’s educational mission. Individuals whose responsibilities place them within this category include teachers; advisers; counselors; deans, department chairpersons, directors, and other administrative officials responsible for some part of the academic enterprise or one of the supporting activities; health staff; administrative and faculty sponsors of officially recognized clubs, organizations, etc.; members, including students and alumni, of official committees, staff personnel employed to assist School officials in discharging professional responsibilities; and persons or entities under contract to the School to provide a specific task or service related to the School’s educational mission. Access by these officials is restricted where practical, and only to that portion of the student record(s) necessary for the discharge of assigned duties.

  5. “Legitimate educational interests” are defined as interests that are essential to the general process of public education prescribed by the body of policy adopted by the governing board. Legitimate educational interests would include teaching, research, public service, and such directly supportive activities as academic advising, general counseling, discipline, vocational counseling and job placement, advisement, medical services, safety, and academic assistance activities. In addition, the School officially recognizes appropriate co-curricular activities that are generally supportive of overall goals of the institution and contribute generally to the well-being of the entire student body and specifically to many individuals who participate in these activities. These activities include varsity and intramural sports, specific interest clubs, and student government.

  6. The right to file a complaint with the U. S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the School to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, S. W. Washington, D. C. 20202-5920


Directory information is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released:. The school can disclose directory information without prior parent/guardian consent. Epic Charter Schools may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without prior consent, unless the parent/guardian or 18 or older student has advised the School that you want to opt-out and restrict the disclosure of directory information. Epic Charter Schools has designated the following student information as directory information. 

  1. Student’s name

  2. Address

  3. Telephone listing

  4. Electronic mail address

  5. Photograph

  6. Date and place of birth

  7. Major field of study

  8. Dates of attendance

  9. Grade level

  10. Participation in officially recognized activities and sports

  11. Weight and height of members of athletic teams

  12. Most recent school attended

As a result, unless a parent or eligible student notifies the School in writing within thirty (30) calendar days of enrollment of each school year of their election to not have the School release any of the above information (each category of information must be specifically requested), the School may release directory information.

Photo, Video, Website, and Social Media Release Form (Opt-Out)

On occasion, representatives from and/or employees of Epic Charter Schools may wish to photograph, video record, and/or interview individuals in connection with school programs, projects, or events. In order to release photographs, video footage, and/or comments, and/or to post on school website(s), social media networks and print materials, Epic Charter Schools offers notice to opt-out of such releases for your student(s) via Powerschool. To opt-out of media release for your student please make that election via Powerschool (no action is needed if you do not elect to opt-out).

Title I Parental Involvement Policy Epic Charter Schools

Epic Charter Schools has developed a written Title I parental involvement policy with input from Title I parents during the annual Title I Parent Meeting. It has distributed the policy to parents of Title I students through newsletters, emails, and distribution at parent meetings held throughout the state. The policy describes the means for carrying out the following Title I parental involvement requirements [20 USC 6318 Section 1118(a)-(f) inclusive].

Other Helpful Links:


Site Parent and Family Engagement Policy


School Parent Compact


Parent’s Right to Know

Involvement of Parents in the Title I Program

To involve parents in the Title I program at Epic Charter Schools the following practices have been established:

  • The school convenes an annual meeting to inform parents of Title I students about Title I requirements and about the right of parents to be involved in the Title I program.

  • The school offers a flexible number of meetings for Title I parents, such as meetings in the morning or evening.

  • The school involves parents of Title I students in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of the school’s Title I programs and the Title I parental involvement policy.

  • The school provides parents of Title I students with timely information about Title I programs in a variety of meeting throughout the school year.

  • The school provides parents of Title I students with an explanation of the curriculum used at the school, the assessments used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet.

  • If requested by parents of Title I students, the school provides opportunities for regular meetings that allow the parents to participate in decisions relating to the education of their children.

School-Parent Compact

Epic Charter Schools distributes to parents of Title I students a school-parent compact. The compact, which has been jointly developed with parents, outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. It describes specific ways the school and families will partner to help children achieve the State’s high academic standards. It addresses the following legally required items, as well as other items suggested by parents of Title I students.

  • The school’s responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction

  • The ways parents will be responsible for supporting their children’s learning

  • The importance of ongoing communication between parents and teachers through, at a minimum, annual parent-teacher conferences; frequent reports on student progress; access to staff; opportunities for parents to volunteer and participate in their child’s class; and opportunities to observe classroom activities

Building Capacity for Involvement

Epic Charter Schools engages Title I parents in meaningful interactions with the school. It supports a partnership among staff, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement. To help reach these goals, the school has established the following practices.

  • The school provides Title I parents with assistance in understanding the State’s academic content standards, assessments, and how to monitor and improve the achievement of their children.

  • The school provides Title I parents with materials and training to help them work with their children to improve their children's achievement.

  • With the assistance of Title I parents, the school educates staff members about the value of parent contributions, and in how to work with parents as equal partners.

  • The school coordinates and integrates the Title I parental involvement program with other programs, and conducts other activities, such as parent resource centers, to encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children.

  • The school distributes Information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities to Title I parents in a format and language that the parents understand.

  • The school provides support for parental involvement activities requested by Title I parents.

Epic Charter School Foster Care Plan

Under the requirements of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Section 1112(c)(5)(B) Title I educational stability provisions take effect on December 10, 2016. By such date, each school district shall have a Foster Care Plan developed and disseminated to all stakeholders.

In Section 1111(c)(5) of ESSA, the school district must collaborate with the Child Welfare Agency and Tribal Child Welfare Agencies (CWA) to implement the Title I educational stability provisions. Therefore, each school district shall develop a clear, written Foster Care Plan. As such, the Foster Care Plan for Epic Charter shall be as follows:

  1. LEA Point of Contact and responsibilities.

The superintendent will designate at least one person to serve as the Foster Care Point of Contact (POC). The POC may also be the homeless student coordinator. This designation will occur by December 10, 2016, and shall be updated annually. The name of this person will be turned in to the OSDE through the online Grants Management System by September 30th of each year. If additional staff members are needed to meet the requirements, the superintendent will make assignments as deemed necessary. The POC will work in the best interest of the child to ensure that all educational requirements are being met.

The POC will work closely with the CWA to:

  • Coordinate with the corresponding child welfare agency POC to implement Title I provisions;

  • Lead the development of a process for making the best interest determination;

  • Document the best interest determination;

  • Facilitate the transfer of records and immediate enrollment;

  • Facilitate data sharing with the child welfare agencies, consistent with FERPA and other privacy protocols;

  • Develop and coordinate local transportation procedures;

  • Manage best interest determinations and transportation cost disputes;

  • Ensure that children in foster care are enrolled in and regularly attending school; and

  • Provide professional development and training to school staff on the Title I provisions and educational needs of children in foster care, as needed.

2. Decision-making process.

A committee will meet to determine if the school of origin is not in the best interest of each foster care child and the appropriate placement of the child. The committee will be comprised of the site administrator or representative, the LEA’s POC, and a member of the CWA. In emergency circumstances the CWA has the authority to make an immediate decision regarding the school placement, and then consult with the LEA and revisit the best interest determination of the child.

In the event of a disagreement regarding school placement for a child in foster care, the CWA will be considered the final decision maker in making the best interest determination. The CWA is uniquely positioned to assess vital non-educational factors such as safety, sibling placements, the child’s permanency goal, and other components of the case plan. The CWA also has the authority, capacity, and responsibility to collaborate with and gain information from multiple parties including parents, children, schools and the court in making these decisions.

3. The type of documentation or records that should be shared between parties.

Foster care parents, social workers or other legal guardians will be allowed to immediately enroll children in foster care in the school district without having the necessary paperwork (birth certificates, shot records, academic records, special education records, etc.) This is to help aid the student with a smooth transition into the district. The receiving school district will contact the school district of origin for the records and make adaptations as needed. After enrollment, the following guardianship or legal custody documents shall be provided for verification by the foster family or CWA:

  • Power of attorney

  • Affidavit

  • Court Order

Epic Charter will share education records with the CWA that are allowed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and other state privacy laws. This allows educational agencies to disclose without parental consent educational records, including IDEA, of students in foster care to the CWA.

4. Collaborative structure, such as regularly scheduled meetings, in which relevant individuals can participate in a particular process.

The POC will meet with the site administrator, school counselor, classroom teacher, and foster parent as needed to discuss the progress of the child in foster care and will document the results of meetings. All decisions will be made utilizing a collaborative team approach to determine what will be in the best interest of the child.

5. The best interest determination document regarding the child’s school placement (school of origin or the receiving school).

Epic Charter shall utilize the sample form (available by clicking here) from the Oklahoma State Department of Education in making a “best interest” determination for each child in foster care. The final determination as to what is in the best interest of the child will be made by the CWA.

Print the form on School Letterhead and Individualized for Each Student's Best Interest Determination Evaluation. 

6. Transportation procedures.

Children in foster care will be entitled to transportation services in the same manner as all other children in the school district. In addition to regular transportation routes, the school district will collaborate with the CWA when transportation is required to maintain children placed in foster care in a school of origin outside their usual attendance area or district when it is in the best interest of the student. Under the supervision of the superintendent, the POC will invite appropriate district officials, the CWA, and officials from other districts or agencies to promptly arrange cost-effect transportation for the student.

7. Responsibilities and costs related to student transportation.

Epic Charter district will collaborate with the CWA to develop and implement clear, written procedures governing how transportation is provided to maintain children in foster care in their schools of origin. The school district will also work with the CWA to reach an agreement in regards to covering the transportation costs. The agreement will cover how the transportation will be provided, arranged, and funded for the duration of the child’s time in foster care. Each agreement can/will vary greatly because the unique needs of each child should be considered in making the decision on transportation.


The policies and regulations of Epic Charter Schools, or any changes to the policies and regulations after the publication of this guide supersede all information provided in this handbook. For more detailed information, families are encouraged to contact the administration office or access updates online.

Health and Safety
Medical Emergency Response Plan
CPR Training
Non-Discrimination Statement
Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
Open Records Act
Fee Schedule
Fee Schedule for Requests Subject to Additional...
Copy and Search Fees
Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) Notice
Photo, Video, Website, and Social Media Release Form
Title I Parental Involvement Policy Epic Charter Schools
Involvement of Parents in the Title I Program
School-Parent Compact
Building Capacity for Involvement
Epic Charter School Foster Care Plan
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