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Chess Club

About the Club

The Epic Chess Club is designed to give students an opportunity to learn the game of chess, improve their chess skills, and to enjoy challenging their peers. Chess is an individual sport that also creates healthy competition and team spirit. 

The ancient game of chess can develop confidence, critical thinking, problem-solving, strategy, and decision-making. Our goal is to encourage all of these, but our main focus will be to inspire learning, sportsmanship, and fun. 

We will meet monthly at the Tulsa VLC and in OKC VLC. In addition, we will hold Zoom meetings. Attendance at these meetings will improve your chance at success. Dates and times are based on enrollment and will be announced soon.

We are also linked with many groups that meet across Oklahoma and you will have the chance to practice your chess skills and make new friends. If your student chooses to attend, we ask that parents participate until the student feels comfortable. Keep an eye out for a member’s email for updates.


The Epic Learning Fund can be used to purchase a chess set, and to help with enrollment in Oklahoma State Chess Organization tournaments.

If your student is interested in tournament play, getting a chess ranking, and participating in regulation tournaments, the first year is free. After that, there will be a $20 annual membership fee paid to the USCF. It is not required in order to join Epic Chess Club.

Epic Charter Schools Chess Club has no fees or mandatory requirements. Simply join and enjoy learning and playing the game of chess.

A weekly online class will be offered for beginner to novice on Tuesday from 2:00 to 3:00 PM, and more advance players will meet from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM.

Events, updates, and announcements will be sent to parent and student email. To join,  please fill out the google form.


Karen Hoyt

Chess Club Advisor

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