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Dear Epic Charter School Community,

We are overjoyed to share some incredible news that wouldn't be possible without each and every one of you. Thanks to your support and active participation in The Epic Hugs Project, we were able to build 200 amazingly full and packed-with-love care packages to send overseas to our military heroes!

To our teachers, you are the backbone of this initiative. Your guidance, encouragement, and the time you dedicated to ensuring the project's success did not go unnoticed. Your commitment to instilling values of empathy and kindness in our students is truly commendable.

A heartfelt thank you to our principals, MDIs and ASIs for your motivating leadership and support throughout the project. Your guidance has been invaluable, and we appreciate your commitment to fostering a sense of community within Epic Charter School.

To our students, your creativity, heartfelt letters, and carefully curated care packages have made a significant impact on the lives of our deployed military heroes. Your compassion and enthusiasm have created a positive ripple effect of kindness that extends far beyond the walls of our school.

To Dr. Kincaid, Shawn Franzeo, and Luis Ortiz-Barreto, our heartfelt gratitude for being the face of this project and for your unwavering support from start to finish. Your leadership and dedication have been instrumental in making The Epic Hugs Project a success.

A special thank you to Chris Vasquez and Sean Ridenour on our communications team for their outstanding work in producing and editing our videos swiftly. Your flexibility and dedication have made a significant impact on the project's overall success.

To Ray & Karen Stark, Lisa Watford and the whole Hugs Project Team, your dedication to providing care packages for our deployed military heroes has been nothing short of inspiring. Your tireless efforts and commitment have touched the lives of those serving overseas and brought countless smiles and glimmers of encouragement to those who serve us.

A special thank you to The Rotary Club, Zoya with Mark Allen Chevrolet, Fort Sill USO Army Base, VFW of Lawton Post #5263, Lawton Vet Center, Marla Robinson Consulting & Grit Resources, Fancy Cakes and Confections, Lister Home Team - EXP Realty, Bowers Construction, Leonard Investments, Walker & Black Widow Model Disposal Co., Top Side Roofing, Gift Baskets by Dawn, Christmas Connections, Black Rifle Coffee Company, and our whole Epic School Community whose generosity and community spirit have been instrumental in making this project a reality. Your support has made a lasting impact on the lives of those who receive these care packages in the mail so far away from home.

To Kaiden Hudson with eSports, our tech guru, thank you! Your invaluable assistance in creating a platform for giving and streaming has contributed to the project's efficiency and success.


To The Hugs Project individual donors, James Edward Hrdlicka, Kenneth Drake, Bernard Albaugh, Lindsay Cooper, Marty & Debi Mauldin, Stephanie Harjo, Chastity Tate, Dori Austin, Brianna Davison, Lauren Williams, Adam Wilhelm, Warren Yang, Emily Chapple, Marisa Zoppelt, Dexter Nelson, Kimberly Bauer, James Moore, Paul Finnegan, Dean Surface, Rhiannon Murray, Amanda Lee, Judith Ladd, Kymberly Neumayr, Charles Bowles, Cinthea Comer, Bob Frakes, John Pribyl, Ronda Cook, Lynne Hunt, Shelly Kirkhart, Dr. Carl & Karla Smith, Craig Conaway. It is your contribution that made care packages sent overseas possible! Please know that your donation is more than just a financial contribution; it is a symbol of empathy that brings comfort to those who need it most.

In the spirit of community, your combined efforts have made The Hugs Project an overwhelming success. We look forward to the possibility of future collaborations and shared endeavors that continue to make a positive impact on the lives of those who serve our nation.

Once again, thank you for your unwavering support and for making The Hugs Project a beacon of kindness
and compassion within our Epic Charter School community!

(Website + EMAIL) EPIC HUGS Project 2023 - (FINAL) 2 (4) (1).jpg

Epic Cares 是一项家庭外展计划,旨在改变学生及其家庭的生活。我们在学校内运作,为最需要的人提供支持和资源。我们的目标是一步一步帮助儿童及其家庭建立更美好的生活。我们致力于提供引人入胜的智能编程,对社区产生真正的影响。在您的帮助下,我们可以改变无数学生和家庭的生活。


在 Epic,我们希望让世界变得更美好! 我们全年实施各种举措,以增强和改善 Epic 学生及其有需要的家庭的整体生活质量。我们帮助提供有形资源来帮助学生取得成功。


Epic 特许学校社区服务的初衷是相信我们可以通过服务社区、带来希望和“为什么不”的心态,为他人带来一缕阳光。  我们努力向学生展示帮助社区中其他人的重要性。


高中学生将获得高中学分的志愿者服务时间。如果您无法参加,请取消您的注册,以便为其他 Epic 学生及其家人提供服务的机会。

其他社区服务机会将在可用时发布到此页面和 Epic 特许学校网站日历上。


Epic Charter School 管理人员和教师有意寻找任何无家可归或需要其他服务的学生,通过定期监控与我们的注册流程相关的标识符和数据源、外部实体的推荐、自我推荐或其他服务,以确保免费和适当的公共教育。 Epic 工作人员的意见。


根据《麦金尼-文托无家可归者援助法案》(42 U.S.C. 11434a(2))第 725(2) 条,术语“无家可归的儿童和青少年”——

A. 指缺乏固定、经常和足够的夜间住所的个人……;和

B. 包括——

  • (i) 由于失去住房、经济困难或类似原因而与他人合住的儿童和青少年;由于缺乏替代住宿而住在汽车旅馆、酒店、拖车公园或露营地;住在紧急避难所或过渡避难所;被遗弃在医院;或正在等待寄养安置;

  • (ii) 主要夜间住所是公共或私人场所且并非为人类常规睡眠场所设计或通常用作人类常规睡眠场所的儿童和青少年;

  • (iii) 居住在汽车、公园、公共场所、废弃建筑物、不合格住房、公共汽车或火车站或类似环境中的儿童和青少年;和

  • (iv) 就本小标题而言,由于儿童生活在第 (i) 至 (iii) 条所述的情况下而符合无家可归资格的流动儿童。

如果儿童和青少年同时符合上述定义的 A 部分和 B 部分的任何一个子部分,则被视为无家可归。

通过这种方式找到的学生和记录将上报给无家可归者联络员 Marti Duggan。可以拨打 405-749-4550 分机 405-749-4550 联系 Marti Duggan。 710;或通过电子邮件发送至

  • 评估并解决无家可归学生的入学、教育机会和参与需求。

  • 利用对学生、家庭、学校工作人员和社区合作伙伴需求的知识和理解,提高学生的充分参与和在学校的成功。

  • 为工作人员、家庭和机构提供有关儿童获取教育资源的权利的信息和培训。

  • 根据需要对学校、机构、家庭和学生进行干预,以最大限度地提高学生的成功和学校参与度。

  • 确保学生必要的学习用品。

一旦学生被确定为无家可归者,无家可归联络员将联系学生或家人,以确保迅速入学并评估学生可能有的任何其他需求。 Epic 特许学校确保麦金尼-文托无家可归者法案的所有要求得到执行,为无家可归的学生提供接受优质教育的机会。由于 McKinney-Vento 学生自动有资格获得 Title I 服务,因此我们 Title I 计划所服务年级的学生将获得这些服务。  Epic 的无家可归者联络员将亲自联系符合 McKinney Vento 资格的学生,询问他们是否需要任何用品或其他材料来协助他们的学业。  学生的需求将根据具体情况予以解决。



Epic 特许学校很高兴宣布与俄克拉荷马州公共服务部建立新的合作伙伴关系,与我们服务的家庭合作。此次合作为 Epic 提供了五名全职的校内专家。他们将能够将家庭与可能需要他们的当地服务联系起来。这可能包括食物、衣服、住所或家庭安全问题方面的援助——任何可能对学生的教育经历产生负面影响的事情。如果您需要帮助或认识需要帮助的家庭,请联系 Marti Duggan,其中一位专家将很快与您联系。


如有任何问题或疑问,请联系无家可归学生联络员 Marti Duggan,请发送电子邮件至 或拨打 405-749-4550(分机号 405-749-4550)。 710.


心理健康是 Epic 的重点领域,通过与外部治疗提供商的合作,我们可以帮助家庭和学生获得所有 77 个县的心理健康支持和服务。要代表家庭/学生(如果超过 18 岁)提出咨询请求,在获得他们的许可后,您可以填写一份心理健康服务请求,以表明他们的联系信息以及他们正在寻求的治疗类型。填写完毕后,将转介给育儿机构。如果家庭有保险,他们将被要求分享该信息。如果没有保险,第三方机构将协助家庭寻找医疗服务提供者。





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